Hello and thank you for your interest in promoting the preservation of our valuable heritage! The preservation of paper-artifacts is not only a passion of mine, it is a calling. Like a medical professional treating a patient, I look upon the artifacts I treat as my patients. I have many years of experience working on rare and valuable paper materials including rare books, photographic materials, contemporary art, and archival materials.
In 2009, I completed my graduate degree, receiving a Master Degree in Art Conservation from Queen's University in Ontario, Canada, specializing in the treatment of paper-based artifacts. In 2010, I conducted post-graduate work with the Book and Paper Conservation Lab at John's Hopkins University. From 2010 to 2011, I spent fourteen months working with museums throughout Alaska, conducting collection assessments, repairing high-value artifacts, and conducting staff training. From 2012 until 2016 I was the Paper Conservator for the University of Hawaii Library System in Honolulu. I also continued to operate my private practice, as the only paper conservator for Hawaii and most of the south pacific. In 2016, I relocated to Maynard Massachusetts where I continue to run my private practice and in 2018 I moved to Indianapolis. I am an active member of the Book and Paper Specialty Group, The Photographic Material Group, and Conservators in Private Practice for the American Institute of Conservation for which I am a Professional Associate. I am also an active member of the Western Association of Art Conservators and the Midwest Regional Conservation Guild.